Monday, September 27, 2010

Dog walk!

Indy LOVES going for walks. She wants to sniff everything, run all over everything, look at every tree, and put anything she finds into her mouth. Here's a ton of photos of Indy on a walk.

Just sniffing around at some fallen leaves--she loves to chase leaves, especially on windy days. She also does this little pointer thing with her paw when she's concentrating.

An over-the-shoulder shot of Indy. She doesn't always get the concept that the person sets the pace--she'll lag behind sniffing something and then run ahead. We're working on walking next to each other.

One of Indy's favorite pastimes (if you can have a pastime after two weeks of walking outside) is picking up sticks in her mouth and carrying them during the walk. She'll usually carry a stick for maybe 15 seconds before she'll get distracted and drop it, and if we stop she'll gnaw on the stick.

We had a wind storm recently and Indy was very intrigued by this fallen branch--just like a huge stick!

So she decided to chew on it.

As you can see, we walk her with a harness. We love it because we can give her a little tug if she starts sniffing at trash or gets distracted without hurting her neck, and she likes it because she didn't quite understand the concept of a collar on her earliest walks--she'd run to the end of the leash and pull herself in a circle by her neck.

Happy puppy at the end of the walk, ready to go inside!


  1. ahh she is so sweet and curious and adorable. i can't wait to meet her!

  2. I love the one of her chewing on the branch - look at those ears!!

  3. Thanks guys! She's a very good puppy, at least when she isn't running under the couch to eat a hairball. (Yes, I need to vacuum more often, because this dog loves eating hair.)
