Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Indy and Steve

Indy loves it when Steve gets home from work. As soon as she hears the key in the lock she starts wagging her tail. Tonight after dinner (tacos with guacamole!) we brought Indy up to the couch so she could hang out with us. And here's what transpired.

(You can't really tell, but in this one she was licking the beer bottle. Steve was like, "No beer for puppies!")

(And then she started licking his face.)


It took us a week after getting Indy to actually set up this blog, mainly because I kept thinking "is it weird to start a dog blog? Does that make us weird dog people?" But I got over that.

So here's two more videos starring Indy! Plus, we'll post a new video tomorrow.

The first is Indy playing with her red kong. This little puppy has 4 kong toys so far, but we've only given her the two smallest, because she'll need to grow into the others!

This one is Indy playing with two gifts, a big blue koala and a red and yellow rope toy. As you can see, both are approximately Indy-sized, causing some problems when she wants to carry them in her mouth.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Indy's arrival

We adopted Indy from a county animal shelter on August 23, 2010. She's about 9-10 weeks old and a dachshund-chihuahua mix, weighing in at an intimidating 4 pounds 11 ounces.

Here's a video of her car ride home.